
The Corona Virus is a catalyst for change. It has forced change upon us. How we implement the change is up to us. Change can be positive and at this point in our lives, whilst many of us are in lockdown, we have the perfect opportunity to reassess our lives. To take a good hard look at ourselves, our lives, and to ask ourselves the question “Are we really happy?”   

Perhaps this change is what the world needs. Is this a blessing in disguise, an opportunity for a new beginning? A new beginning on many levels of life? Most of us are creatures of habit. We have become accustomed to life in a certain way. Our lives are usually a repeat of a pattern or cycle that we have created for ourselves. But I ask the question, are we happy with these patterns in our lives? A lot of us are unhappy with our lives, our relationships, our eating behaviours, our finances, and for some of us our unhappiness, fears and dis-ease has manifested into ill health, by way of anxiety, depression, cancer and an extensive range of other debilitating diseases.  

Perhaps this is an opportunity for us to finally make a choice. A choice for the better. A choice of love over fear. An opportunity to use this time to create a new life for ourselves and one that we choose. Rather than one that we have fallen into, where we meet the expectations of others, and not allow ourselves to create the life that we dream of for ourselves. Maybe it’s time to fulfil those dreams. To become a creator of our own reality. Give thought to the possibilities that are now open to ourselves. The possibilities of a new life, happiness, growth in many areas of life. Better relationships, rewarding ones. Don’t accept second best for yourself. Put yourself first. Be happy. Help others and let us all create a better world, a new world, in the process.